The Importance of Time Management for You and Your Staff

Time management is the organization of one’s time and activities. Time-management skills are important for health care professionals who must perform a multitude of different tasks throughout the day.

Benefits to efficient time management include:

•      Prioritizing tasks

•      Accomplishing more work in less time

•      Higher quality work

•      Better work/life balance

•      Improved self-discipline

Here are some tools to improve time management within your organization.


Employees who find themselves consistently working overtime or missing deadlines need to consider delegating some of their tasks to others. Deciding to whom the task should be delegated is the next step.

Consider the following questions to determine who to charge with the task:

·      Do I have the authority to delegate this task? (If not, you may have to request permission from someone in authority to delegate the task.)

·      What education or skills are necessary for someone to possess to complete the task?

·      Has any employee expressed an interest in increasing his or her skill set or responsibilities?

·      What training do I need to provide for completion of the task?

·      What equipment, tools, or resources are required to complete the task?

When approaching an individual about taking on a new responsibility, it is important to clearly communicate specific directions and expectations, including what the task involves and a deadline for completion.


It is frustrating to be interrupted while trying to complete a task; interruptions break concentration and disrupt workflow. Interruptions cannot totally be avoided; however, they can be controlled.

 Tips for managing interruptions include:

·      Arranging isolation time or setting “office hours”

·      Taking advantage of pauses or “down time” in the workflow

·      Limiting distractions with electronic devices

·      Guiding the conversation of the interruption (if by a person) to focus on a quick and effective resolution for the interruption


Putting off a task repeatedly is the telltale sign of procrastination. Procrastination is often a chronic issue that can prevent professionals from fulfilling their potential. Procrastination is usually a result of two factors: 1) The task is unpleasant, or 2) The doer is disorganized. When a task is considered boring or unpleasant, procrastination becomes attractive.

Keys to avoiding procrastination include:

·      Be accountable to someone within the organization.

·      Identify the disadvantages of avoiding a task.

·      Create and prioritize a “to-do” list, set a schedule and establish deadlines.

·      Create a personal reward system.


Goals maximize the chance of success when implementing good time-management habits. There are many valuable tools designed to help individuals manage time. Here are some of the most common time-management tools.

·      Day planner

·      Mobile devices – apps for phone and tablets

·      Software - Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendars are basic time-management programs that are easily accessible to most individuals

With an understanding of the basics of time management, medical professionals can change habits and schedules to effectively manage their work and personal life. Investing the time, resources, and effort to improve time-management skills can ultimately result in an increase in productivity and focus.


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